Saturday, May 18, 2013

How did we get here?

It seems like each morning I wake up, look to my right, see Kenny and say " Oh My Gosh I can't believe I'm married!" I don't know how to cook or really clean that well... I'm not fit for this position. But the days go by and somehow we survive after endless amount of Okay at best cooking skills and mediocre wife skills.

Kenny and I have been married for 3 months and  10 days today and here are a few things that I've learned...
1. Kenny must have been in major pain while we were dating by holding in all of his farts because now that were married there is no more holding them back and they NEVER STOP!
2. Budgeting is HARD!
    Kenny and I saved all of our receipts ( wow I cannot believe how much we spend) and then made a budget for the month. Man I really felt married at this point....
But we did good and stuck to our budget. The part that I shouldn't you is that we only did it for that month and not sense... woops. We should get back on that :)
3. I am a horrible sleeping partner. For the first monthish of our marriage I think kenny was getting an average of 5 not very good hour a sleep each night. According to him my body radiates extreme heat, no matter the size of the bed I roll to the center once I fall asleep, and I talk constantly throughout the night. Sorry Kenny, I love you!
4. The crock pot is my best friend! Knock on wood, I've never burnt any food while using a crock pot yet! That is a great victory for me since I've made a habit of burning pretty much everything else... Moms everywhere I need help!!!
5. Life is just more fun with your best friend always being by your side!
Seriously I chose right marrying Kenny. There is never a dull moment with this guy by my side. I LOVE HIM

Well there you have it! 
I'm married
I have a Husband
We live in Arizona 


  1. Emily- this is the best thing I've ever read. I knew I liked you. Let's hang out!!!!!

    1. haha YES PLEASE!!! We're surrounded by old folks that never Ever come out of their houses! Really tho we're down

  2. OH Emily I love it! Isn't married life great?! It is a whole new world. I'm sorry about #1, it is just part of the Pulsipher genes. And we'll get you cooking, after we get the move over with I'll send you some of my easy and fun recipes to try. Cooking is one thing I really do enjoy and finding new recipes and trying out new dishes to make. Glad you guys are having fun! Can't wait to spend more time with you!

    1. Move fast!!! Can't wait for your family to be out here. We must all get together soon, Christmas is just too far away and Kenny and I are in need of some more Pulsipher & Bell time!
