Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mrs. Pulsipher

It's official...
after almost 5 years of college I am now using my major as

If you know me, then you know that I like to make
check lists
and be in "the know"
but the story of how I got this job is a true testimony that God has a plan for me
and know matter how hard I try, I just don't know it!

So earlier this year I had my plans made
I was going to do my student teaching from July-November
then I was going to do an internship at Primavera in AZ so that I could be certified to teach online.
To me this was the perfect plan so that I could teach and have babies.

Well, about two weeks ago
 I ran into a man that was from BYU-I that I knew was working for Primavera.
So I went up to him to ask him about it, and sadly he started telling me how much he didn't like it and how if you work from home (like I was going to) that you pretty much only make minimum wage!!!
even though we have a degree...
Well, since we're paying for Kenny's Masters Program and maybe someday his PHD, I knew that this just wasn't going to work.
So I started to freak out that my "plan" wasn't as great as I thought that it was going to be.
A couple of days later I headed back to school after fall break and my mentor teacher tells me that over the break she decided that she really wants to stay home with her little kids and that she was was leaving at Christmas. Oh and that I had an interview the next day!
My thoughts at this moments were
At first I didn't know if I even wanted to interview because it didn't fit into "my plan"
and I knew that I wanted kids sometime soonish and so I didn't want to lock myself into anything.
Then, I realized what an amazing opportunity this was and that this experience was so needed so that I could get a job after my kids were grown.
So the next day me and another student teacher were chosen to interview for the job
then the verdict was............
I didn't get it!!!
You would think that I would be relieved since I wasn't sure if I even wanted to interview in the first place, but I was so sad about it.
I really got my hopes up and thought that I would get it, and when I didn't
I was weirded out by my response to the news.
It was at this point that I knew that I REALLY wanted to teach until at least the end of the year
and then I'd see where I was.
My principal recommended me for a 3rd grade position in Mesa, and then my BYU-I mentor recommended me for a 5th grade position in Surprise, AZ!!
WOW, in a couple of days I somehow had 2 interviews the following week! 
The way things just worked and how fast things changed from when I was going to Primavera and then NOT were definitely a sign to me from my Heavenly Father that he had His hands in my life and that He was guiding me to where He needed me.

So I went to both interviews and I received two YES's
I was Thrilled, and the decision was so easy
I knew that I needed to teach 5th grade in Surprise!

I have now been working for a week and a half and really have loved every second.
There is no doubt in my mind that I am Exactly where I need to be.
My students are great,
my 5th grade team is super supportive and helpful
and did I mention that in the middle of the school is a daycare for teachers kids only! :)
Woohoo I'm in heaven!
Thank you Heavenly Father for guiding me 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

B I R T H D A Y *F U N

This year my birthday was celebrated like a blast from the past!
Somehow it worked out that ALL of my sibling were able to be here.
There are 6 of us kids, with a 15 year span between the oldest and youngest
so, this hasn't happened since I was probably 8
We continued the tradition of taking glamorous morning pictures

 then the party continued with yummy Food


 Pounce Marathons
mmm mmm good Cheese Cake Factory Cheesecake
since Kenny's birthday is just 6 days after mine we celebrated our birthdays together with
half Red Velvet cake (Kenny's choice) and half Peanut butter cup (mine)
Love all my sibs!
Thanks mom & dad for helping us all to get together!
Best weekend EVER...
please move closer :)
But the birthday festivities didn't end there
Kenny turned Big 27!

if you can't read this, it's a ticket for the ASU vs Washington game
 homemade calzone!
 homemade ice-cream sandwich!

 soo good!
are you wondering why these Washington fans are surrounded by ASU fans....
ohh it's just because we're sitting in their student section! haha
can you say AWKARD!
I was seriously scared for our lives
Jeff and Brenda came to cheer on the Huskies too... but I guess they just weren't loud enough
You'll get em next time Huskies
Now with both Kenny and I's birthdays being in the same month,
October will forever be my favorite month!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How did this happen?

In April, Kenny and I packed up and moved to Arizona.
We have been lucky enough to live in my parents home
while they flew east for the summer!
Well... now the summer heat is almost gone and so today is the day when my parents come BACK TO LIVE WITH US.
Now, if I was still 17 years old and in high school I would be saying,
" OHH NO I can't believe I have to live with my parents again...
my mom will always want to hang out with me,
my dad will be going on and on about the same old long stories
and I just might Die"!
Dramatic?... Yes... but accurate?... Definitely!
So what happened between the ages of 17 to 24?
I went to college, served a mission, got married
I don't recall slipping and hitting my head really hard...
so why am I now saying,
"WOOHOO my parents are moving back in!
My mom will always be around and we can go on walks, shop and talk all night long,
my dad will get to fill me in with all of his good stories
(and I should probably even take notes so that I can tell these same stories to my kids some day)
I can't figure it out, but somewhere between then and now my parents transformed
from being The Boss into my best friends!
I love you both and I cannot wait for you to get here.
Now Hurry Up Dad and Drive Faster!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

So Lucky!

Just wanted to send a quick Shout Out 
to my wonderful husband!
He came home and surprised me with these beautiful flowers

You know how usually you always hear about women remembering
tons of random dates and then their husbands being completely oblivious?
Ya... well the roles are completely opposite in our home. 
Kenny remembered that a year from today
Sept. 28, 2012
that we had our first kiss!
Come on... How in the world did he remember that?
Well, it's a mystery to me, but I am so grateful for the love he continually shows me.
I sure am one lucky lady for meeting someone who makes me
Laugh Harder
Stand up Taller
and to just be a Better Me so that we can live together for Eternity!
He is my Happily Ever After 
I love you Kenny 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

the things Kenny has to deal with...

It was a normal Saturday at the Pulsipher Home...
I woke up 2 hours before Kenny and got some homework done
Kenny then came out of hibernation and we went to Golds
I got my Zumba on while Kenny pumped some iron
Then I left to grab some chips and dip at Sams for the BYU vs Utah party
while putting the salsa into my car I somehow managed to drop it in the parking lot
now.. since we're poor college students I say to myself... 
okay I could go buy another one,but then I'll be buying 2 OR I could walk back in there and put on my sad face on and ask for another one... 
So of course I decided with the second option!
So I went back in and after a while at the customer service desk,
I finally leave with a new thing of salsa. :)
So then I head to Walmart to finish shopping and then go to get some gas
It isn't until I'm getting gas that I look at my left hand,
notta, zilch... ZERO Wedding Ring!
so of course my mind starts racing, tracing back my every last step
for ten seconds I'm calm as a say a quick prayer of  desperation 
and Than panic settles back in as my mind begins to race with irrational questions...
Did it slip off my finger at Zumba?
Did someone brush up against me at either of the stores and take it?
Did Kenny somehow take it off my finger and now he is going to get it clean for my birthday?
Did it fall off my finger when the salsa slipped out of my hands?
Wait did I take it off this morning?
Tears then began to flood my eyes and I raced home like a frantic women
Cars passing by me probably were thinking that I just ran over a puppy!
When I finally get home I rush in and sob in Kenny's arms saying I'm sorry over and over
Kenny being Rational, began to search my car and around the house,
reassuring me that's everythings going to be alright. 
I then call Gold's with no luck
Then I call Sams and they say that they found one at the customer service desk
I am hopeful, but I think that it couldn't possibly be mine 
Kenny and I hurry there 
I walk in and the man at the customer service desk says, 
"Hey salsa girl you left your ring here!"

So I still have no recollection of  any of this, but I guess what happened is that somehow when I was dealing with my Salsa incident, I must have been messing with my wedding ring and then somehow Took it off and then literally just Walked Away! 

I can't believe it but somehow it happened!
My ring looked prettier then ever as the worker handed it back to me.
I never really knew quite how much my ring really meant to me before this...
I Never want to go through this EVER again!  
I love you Kenny, thank you for my beautiful ring! 
Thank you Heavenly Father for answering another one of my prayers and for probing the Sams club staff to Not pawn my wedding ring :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pulsipher Updates!

I don't know if it's just me, but days are flying by 
and I just can't seem to stay on top of everything
But... now I have finally made the time to update my blog :)

A lot has happened since July...

At the beginning of August I started my student teaching in 4th grade and I am just loving it! Although, I can't really remember what it's like to not be super busy. 
Kenny is still going strong in his Masters Program and is getting all A's!
So Proud of him :)

In the end of August we had a Double Wedding Weekend!

#1 Ryan and Sabrina
So we hit the road after school on Friday and headed to San Diego
Kenny and I decided to be weird and read a book the whole way!
haha who does that??
But so I read and he drove the entire way
the book is titled DIVERGENT!!! 
Sooo good! If you like Hunger Games and The Uglies, this is right up your alley. 
Then we got there and wished the beautiful bride to be good luck and headed to bed.
Bryan and Heather met us there which was GREAT to finally be with family!

The weather was beautiful
The temple was amazing
The beach was partly cloudy
and the Food was delicious 
and the company was the Best Ever

Wedding #1 was a success

The next day, we decided to make a pit stop in between the weddings
 to go and stay the night with Jeff and Brenda in Loma Linda, California.
Fun as always
Love those two

# 2 Shane and Alta

So we left California early Monday morning
(so grateful to have been able to take a day off of student teaching)
and we headed to Vegas
Kenny has known Alta and her family since his mission 
and so we were super excited to be able to spend time with them!
So of course once we got into Vegas we had to eat lunch at Strip Burger 
(which has it's name because it's on the strip obviously)
because it's Kenny's favorite!
and we were lucky enough to have Shane and Alta meet us

After that was the beautiful reception

we danced
took funny pictures
caught up with old friends
ate way too much cake
and loved every second

Wedding #2 was a Success

Also.... Football season is BACK!
This is a good thing and a bad thing
This is Good because now while I'm doing tons a homework & writing lesson plans, Kenny can be entertained by watching it
Bad becuase now Kenny also wants to Go to football games!
now I know what you're thinking...
"ohh that's not bad, that sounds like fun!"
BUT let me remind you that it is still in the 100's here
So last Thursday we went to ASU's opening game
it started at 7:00 pm
and it was 111 degrees outside!

So this was me when Kenny said, "oh Em lets take a picture!"

Then this is me after getting a "lets have a good attitude talk"

Well I'm still working on that good attitude haha 
but all in all it was fun, just SOOO HOT!
I told Kenny that I will go to another game in October

Fall Please come sooner!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Jammed Packed July

Well as you can probably tell by my lack of posts, this has been one BUSY month
and I've loved every bit of it

Kenny has found a new love in his life
and since the Diamond Backs actually win
(compared to the KC Royals in my previous home town)
I enjoy going as well!
For our first game, we sat clear up in the Nosebleeds

Then, thanks to Rikky and Nikki Murdock
we were given AMAZING seats and so now I'm not sure how we will ever go back

This was also a special game because we were able to go with Josh and Katie. 
I am privileged to have been able to teach Josh on my mission and now to see him happily sealed to Katie 

Ohh and did I mention that with our legit seats, we just had to get legit shirts as well! 

We also had our first Ward Camp Out :)

Can you tell I'm a little excited to get out of the Dessert? 

We headed north for about 2 hours to get to Payson, AZ
 & then up a mountain for another hour
and miraculously the temperature dropped around 40 degrees!
Why haven't we done this sooner?

 Mule Rides
Brand new tent thanks to Hyrum & Emmy
Thanks, it didn't even leak once in the rain!
My Favorite part
I don't know what it is about toasted sugar, but I LOVE it
Why do the woods always have to make the scariest sounds?
we WILL be back!

and then it was time for a GIRLS WEEKEND

I am lucky to have great friends that drove from Cali to see me
Elisabeth and Brenda are truly my very first friends
We go way back to the primary days, and as you can tell we are still refusing to Grow Up

 We had so much fun visiting the Mesa and Gilbert Temples

and of course, we made time for Very yummy food!
I love these girls and it's so great that we all followed each other from Missouri to the West

And SHOUT OUT to the best husband ever for letting me ignore him this weekend :)
Thanks Kenny

Now its almost August and I can't believe it!
Kenny is busy with school and work
while I just ended my job and have started my student teaching at Zaharis Elementary

I am teaching 4th grade with my amazing mentor teacher Mrs. Hassan!

Life is great and Kenny and I are loving our new adventures

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Needing a Vacation from our Vacation

Guess What....
We actually weren't scammed and I've got the pictures to prove it!

To sum up our trip it was: Exciting, Humid, Breathe taking, Painful, Hilarious, Wet, Tiring
We loved it and the whole time felt so blessed to be there.

So here's the play by play..
We left bright and early Tue. July 2 to catch our fight to Miami and then on to Orlando.
Once we stepped off the plane we felt the realization of being in Florida all over us...  HUMIDITY!
I didn't think that it would be so bad for me since I grew up in Missouri, but then I remembered that I really haven't spent a summer in Missouri since 2008. 
So of course my hair goes crazy curly/frizzy and Kenny just begins to sweat!
Our ride then picks us up and takes us to our hotel at the Ramada.... I know what you're thinking, ohh that's a good place to stay... but No! This Ramada was like a motel where the doors faced the outside and so the humidity could easily make it's way into our room and make everything WET inside.   
                                                                         Literally everything! 
So,because of this, Kenny was up all night tossing and turning in our wet sheets while I of course am passed out because I can sleep like a log anywhere, no matter the conditions. 

Even though this may sound like I'm complaining and that we hated it, it was fun and since they had free continental breakfast we grew to love our sticky home! haha

So July 3 & 4th we set off early in the morning to walk to the park and get there for early admission!
For our first stop, we headed straight for HARRY POTTER LAND!!!

Pictures don't even give this place justice! 
I couldn't believe that we were at a theme park and not Europe
The rides were amazing!!! 
But you must know that they aren't all roller coasters (which is all that I thought that I liked)
Most of the rides here are amazing 3D riders but that make your stomach go up into your throat just like huge roller coasters! They were crazy and just amazing!

Our sweet 3D glasses that we rocked
the details that they put into this place was crazy too!

These pictures actually talked too, just like the books & movies

The talking hat that told us things about the ride!
And Yes, all of these pictures were all taken where BEFORE the ride... CRAZY! whoever thought that the waiting line would be so cool

Yumm my first Beer! (Obviously is not real Beer)
Then I dragged Kenny to Dr. Seuss Land
(a teachers dream)

Ha look at the bushes!! So awesome

The Cat in the Hat ride... this might have been a kid ride but I still loved it :)

After this ride Kenny would't let me choose anymore haha

Next came the most intense rides...

You might be laughing... but this cute ride was the best water ride I have ever been on

Then came Jurassic Park! AWESOME 
(yes we are wet... not just sweaty!) 

Then much much more...

 This is from Despicable Me haha! Gru child proofed the house

Shrek Of Course
 The Simpsons!
The Mummy! My All Time Favorite 
Men in Black

All the rides were fun, but so was jut walking around 

And there was even a Parade!


and then we were too tired to move...

So this was probably more information then you all wanted to know, but I just couldn't leave out any part of our fun adventure that we miraculously won!

Now were home and will be in a coma until Monday