Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mrs. Pulsipher

It's official...
after almost 5 years of college I am now using my major as

If you know me, then you know that I like to make
check lists
and be in "the know"
but the story of how I got this job is a true testimony that God has a plan for me
and know matter how hard I try, I just don't know it!

So earlier this year I had my plans made
I was going to do my student teaching from July-November
then I was going to do an internship at Primavera in AZ so that I could be certified to teach online.
To me this was the perfect plan so that I could teach and have babies.

Well, about two weeks ago
 I ran into a man that was from BYU-I that I knew was working for Primavera.
So I went up to him to ask him about it, and sadly he started telling me how much he didn't like it and how if you work from home (like I was going to) that you pretty much only make minimum wage!!!
even though we have a degree...
Well, since we're paying for Kenny's Masters Program and maybe someday his PHD, I knew that this just wasn't going to work.
So I started to freak out that my "plan" wasn't as great as I thought that it was going to be.
A couple of days later I headed back to school after fall break and my mentor teacher tells me that over the break she decided that she really wants to stay home with her little kids and that she was was leaving at Christmas. Oh and that I had an interview the next day!
My thoughts at this moments were
At first I didn't know if I even wanted to interview because it didn't fit into "my plan"
and I knew that I wanted kids sometime soonish and so I didn't want to lock myself into anything.
Then, I realized what an amazing opportunity this was and that this experience was so needed so that I could get a job after my kids were grown.
So the next day me and another student teacher were chosen to interview for the job
then the verdict was............
I didn't get it!!!
You would think that I would be relieved since I wasn't sure if I even wanted to interview in the first place, but I was so sad about it.
I really got my hopes up and thought that I would get it, and when I didn't
I was weirded out by my response to the news.
It was at this point that I knew that I REALLY wanted to teach until at least the end of the year
and then I'd see where I was.
My principal recommended me for a 3rd grade position in Mesa, and then my BYU-I mentor recommended me for a 5th grade position in Surprise, AZ!!
WOW, in a couple of days I somehow had 2 interviews the following week! 
The way things just worked and how fast things changed from when I was going to Primavera and then NOT were definitely a sign to me from my Heavenly Father that he had His hands in my life and that He was guiding me to where He needed me.

So I went to both interviews and I received two YES's
I was Thrilled, and the decision was so easy
I knew that I needed to teach 5th grade in Surprise!

I have now been working for a week and a half and really have loved every second.
There is no doubt in my mind that I am Exactly where I need to be.
My students are great,
my 5th grade team is super supportive and helpful
and did I mention that in the middle of the school is a daycare for teachers kids only! :)
Woohoo I'm in heaven!
Thank you Heavenly Father for guiding me 

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