Sunday, September 22, 2013

the things Kenny has to deal with...

It was a normal Saturday at the Pulsipher Home...
I woke up 2 hours before Kenny and got some homework done
Kenny then came out of hibernation and we went to Golds
I got my Zumba on while Kenny pumped some iron
Then I left to grab some chips and dip at Sams for the BYU vs Utah party
while putting the salsa into my car I somehow managed to drop it in the parking lot
now.. since we're poor college students I say to myself... 
okay I could go buy another one,but then I'll be buying 2 OR I could walk back in there and put on my sad face on and ask for another one... 
So of course I decided with the second option!
So I went back in and after a while at the customer service desk,
I finally leave with a new thing of salsa. :)
So then I head to Walmart to finish shopping and then go to get some gas
It isn't until I'm getting gas that I look at my left hand,
notta, zilch... ZERO Wedding Ring!
so of course my mind starts racing, tracing back my every last step
for ten seconds I'm calm as a say a quick prayer of  desperation 
and Than panic settles back in as my mind begins to race with irrational questions...
Did it slip off my finger at Zumba?
Did someone brush up against me at either of the stores and take it?
Did Kenny somehow take it off my finger and now he is going to get it clean for my birthday?
Did it fall off my finger when the salsa slipped out of my hands?
Wait did I take it off this morning?
Tears then began to flood my eyes and I raced home like a frantic women
Cars passing by me probably were thinking that I just ran over a puppy!
When I finally get home I rush in and sob in Kenny's arms saying I'm sorry over and over
Kenny being Rational, began to search my car and around the house,
reassuring me that's everythings going to be alright. 
I then call Gold's with no luck
Then I call Sams and they say that they found one at the customer service desk
I am hopeful, but I think that it couldn't possibly be mine 
Kenny and I hurry there 
I walk in and the man at the customer service desk says, 
"Hey salsa girl you left your ring here!"

So I still have no recollection of  any of this, but I guess what happened is that somehow when I was dealing with my Salsa incident, I must have been messing with my wedding ring and then somehow Took it off and then literally just Walked Away! 

I can't believe it but somehow it happened!
My ring looked prettier then ever as the worker handed it back to me.
I never really knew quite how much my ring really meant to me before this...
I Never want to go through this EVER again!  
I love you Kenny, thank you for my beautiful ring! 
Thank you Heavenly Father for answering another one of my prayers and for probing the Sams club staff to Not pawn my wedding ring :)

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