Saturday, October 26, 2013

B I R T H D A Y *F U N

This year my birthday was celebrated like a blast from the past!
Somehow it worked out that ALL of my sibling were able to be here.
There are 6 of us kids, with a 15 year span between the oldest and youngest
so, this hasn't happened since I was probably 8
We continued the tradition of taking glamorous morning pictures

 then the party continued with yummy Food


 Pounce Marathons
mmm mmm good Cheese Cake Factory Cheesecake
since Kenny's birthday is just 6 days after mine we celebrated our birthdays together with
half Red Velvet cake (Kenny's choice) and half Peanut butter cup (mine)
Love all my sibs!
Thanks mom & dad for helping us all to get together!
Best weekend EVER...
please move closer :)
But the birthday festivities didn't end there
Kenny turned Big 27!

if you can't read this, it's a ticket for the ASU vs Washington game
 homemade calzone!
 homemade ice-cream sandwich!

 soo good!
are you wondering why these Washington fans are surrounded by ASU fans....
ohh it's just because we're sitting in their student section! haha
can you say AWKARD!
I was seriously scared for our lives
Jeff and Brenda came to cheer on the Huskies too... but I guess they just weren't loud enough
You'll get em next time Huskies
Now with both Kenny and I's birthdays being in the same month,
October will forever be my favorite month!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How did this happen?

In April, Kenny and I packed up and moved to Arizona.
We have been lucky enough to live in my parents home
while they flew east for the summer!
Well... now the summer heat is almost gone and so today is the day when my parents come BACK TO LIVE WITH US.
Now, if I was still 17 years old and in high school I would be saying,
" OHH NO I can't believe I have to live with my parents again...
my mom will always want to hang out with me,
my dad will be going on and on about the same old long stories
and I just might Die"!
Dramatic?... Yes... but accurate?... Definitely!
So what happened between the ages of 17 to 24?
I went to college, served a mission, got married
I don't recall slipping and hitting my head really hard...
so why am I now saying,
"WOOHOO my parents are moving back in!
My mom will always be around and we can go on walks, shop and talk all night long,
my dad will get to fill me in with all of his good stories
(and I should probably even take notes so that I can tell these same stories to my kids some day)
I can't figure it out, but somewhere between then and now my parents transformed
from being The Boss into my best friends!
I love you both and I cannot wait for you to get here.
Now Hurry Up Dad and Drive Faster!